Monday 10 March 2014

Introduction to Fish Processing

The term fish processing refers to the processes associated with fish and fish products between the time fish are caught or harvested, and the time the final product is delivered to the customer. Although the term refers specifically to fish, in practice it is extended to cover any aquatic organisms harvested for commercial purposes, whether caught in wild fisheries or harvested from aquaculture or fish farming.

Larger fish processing companies often operate their own fishing fleets or farming operations. The products of the fish industry are usually sold to grocery chains or to intermediaries. Fish are highly perishable. A central concern of fish processing is to prevent fish from deteriorating, and this remains an underlying concern during other processing operations.

Fish processing can be subdivided into fish handling, which is the preliminary processing of raw fish, and the manufacture of fish products. Another natural subdivision is into primary processing involved in the filleting and freezing of fresh fish for onward distribution to fresh fish retail and catering outlets, and the secondary processing that produces chilled, frozen and canned products for the retail and catering trades

Fish is a highly perishable food which needs proper handling and preservation if it is to have a long shelf life and retain a desirable quality and nutritional value. The central concern of fish processing is to prevent fish from deteriorating. The most obvious method for preserving the quality of fish is to keep them alive until they are ready for cooking and eating. For thousands of years, China achieved this through the aquaculture of carp. Other methods used to preserve fish and fish products include:

  • The control of temperature using ice, refrigeration or freezing
  • The control of water activity by drying, salting, smoking or freeze-drying
  • The physical control of microbial loads through microwave heating or ionizing irradiation
  • The chemical control of microbial loads by adding acids
  • Oxygen deprivation, such as vacuum packing.

Usually, more than one of these methods is used. When chilled or frozen fish or fish products are transported by road, rail, sea or air, the cold chain must be maintained. This requires insulated containers or transport vehicles and adequate refrigeration. Modern shipping containers can combine refrigeration with a controlled atmosphere.
Fish processing is also concerned with proper waste management and with adding value to fish products. There is an increasing demand for ready to eat fish products, or products that do not need much preparation.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Introduction to Poultry Processing Volume 1

poultry processing, preparation of meat from various types of fowl for consumption by humans.
Poultry is a major source of consumable animal protein. Chickens and turkeys are the most common sources of poultry; however, other commercially available poultry meats come from ducks, geese, pigeons, quails, pheasants, ostriches, and emus.

Characteristics of poultry

Poultry is derived from the skeletal muscles of various birds and is a good source of protein, fat, and vitamins and minerals in the diet. The Table shows the nutrient composition of several types of poultry.
Nutrient composition of roasted or broiled poultry cuts
(per 100 grams)
poultry type and cutenergy (kcal)fat (g)protein (g)cholesterol (mg)
light meat with skin22210.8529.0284
dark meat with skin25315.7825.9791
light meat without skin173  4.5130.9185
dark meat without skin205  9.7327.3793
flesh and skin33728.3518.9984
flesh and skin30521.9225.1691
light meat with skin197  8.3328.5776
dark meat with skin22111.5427.4989
light meat without skin157  3.2229.9069
dark meat without skin187  7.2228.5785
poultry type and cutiron (mg)zinc (mg)vitamin B12 (μg)thiamine (mg)
light meat with skin1.141.230.320.060
dark meat with skin1.362.490.290.066
light meat without skin1.061.230.340.065
dark meat without skin1.332.800.320.073
flesh and skin2.701.860.300.174
flesh and skin2.830.077
light meat with skin1.412.040.350.056
dark meat with skin2.274.160.360.058
light meat without skin1.352.040.370.061
dark meat without skin2.334.460.370.063